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Mold Part 2: Detoxing Mold Easily

In Mold Part 1: Do You Have Mold Toxicity? we discussed mold, what it is, where it comes from, and how to test for mold spore (mycotoxin) toxicity in the body. Here, in Mold Part 2, we’ll cover the secret to detoxing mold spores easily.

Yes, you read that right — easily. If you have done much research on mold toxicity or worked with a doctor or heath care provider in an attempt to detox mold spores, you know that is can be very difficult. With detoxing mold spores from your body, understanding the biochemistry is everything.

The Secret to Detoxing Mold Easily: Biochemistry.

It truly is in the biochemistry. Understanding that mold spores are considered Acetaldehydes is extremely important. Acetaldehyde is an organic chemical compound with the formula CH₃CHO, sometimes abbreviated as MeCHO. While that doesn’t mean much to most people, here’s what it does mean

Acetaldehydes become chemically changed into Acetic Acid through the enzyme Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase. This requires the necessary cofactors — Iron, Riboflavin (B2), Niacinamide (B3), and Molybdenum.

Since mold spores are chemically Acetaldehydes, we can detox them through a sufficient amount of necessary co-factors needed.

The secret to detoxing mold easily is found in the biochemistry. With that said, it is very important to be cautious with taking any Iron and B2.

Don’t supplement with Iron and/or B2…

Iron and B2 can feed infections. Thus, if the mold spores have taken root in your body and grown into a fungal infection (more on this in Mold Part 3), then by taking Iron and/or B2, you will feed the fungal infection, cause it to grow, and thus make things significantly worse.

If you catch the mold toxicity early, you may not have a fungal infection Thus, you may not have an Iron and/or B2 deficiency anyways. However, it is also a possibility that you have one of these deficiencies due to other previous health issues and that is why you are sensitive to mold and/or don’t detox it well.

Do this instead…

If you have access to a Systems Health Care practitioner (click here to find one close to you), have them assess you for mold toxicity and also for an Iron and/or B2 deficiency. We can figure out (1) if you do have mycotoxin toxicity, (2) what you need to detox it, and (3) if it has developed into a fungal infection that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, supplementing with Niacinamide (B3) and/or Molybdenum is rather harmless and can be extremely beneficial. Remember, not all supplements are the same (quality) — check out my thoughts on supplements, my favorite companies, and more here.

Don’t forget to kill it too!

Check out Mold Part 3: Don’t forget to kill it too! to learn more about addressing mold once the spores have been in your system long enough to have migrated to your digestive tract and turn into a fungal infection in your body.

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