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Mold Part 3: Don’t Forget to Kill It Too!

In Mold Part 1: Do You Have Mold Toxicity? we discussed mold, what it is, where it comes from, and how to test for mold spore (mycotoxin) toxicity in the body. In Mold Part 2: Detoxing Mold Easily, we covered the secret to detoxing mold spores easily. Here in Mold Part 3: Don’t Forget to Kill It Too!, we’ll discuss what happens with chronic mold toxicity issues and how to address it!

Kill Mold or Detox Mold?

Most often you hear about detoxing mold — like in Mold Part 2. So what do I mean by killing mold?

If you are exposed to mold spores (aka mycotoxins), and your body is not able to detox them well, you will develop mold toxicity. The mold spores build up in your liver, blood, and sometimes even ovaries, and are not able to be detoxed and broken down. When these mycotoxins are in your system long enough, the spores can act as “seeds” and ultimately become implanted into the digestive tract. When this happens, the seeds grow into mold and now you don’t just have a mycotoxin issue, you also have a fungal (mold) infection.

This is when it becomes essential to kill the mold while you detox the mycotoxins. If you do one without the other, you will never truly heal from mold.

Exposure to mold spores (mycotoxins) –> Mold toxicity –> Mold toxicity + Time –> Mold / fungal infection

How NOT To Kill Mold…

Fungal infections can be tricky and can take people to a really desperate place try anything — any precription, any herb, any diet. I understand how desperate and miserable you can become. As always, my encouragement would be to be very careful with what you try. Just like something can benefit you… something could also harm you.

If you look up on the internet how to kill mold, you will see a variety of the following options: antifungal medications, allergy shots, OTC medications, sweating, salt therapy, activated charcoal, and more. These are all very poor options and have very low success rates.

Do this instead (100% success rate)…

In my office, I can gladly say we have a 100% success rate with helping patients successfully detox mycotoxins as well as kill mold. If you do it right… it usually takes no longer than 3 weeks to successfully do this.


How? You have to figure out exactly what herb(s) are needed, how many, what dosage to take them at, and how long to take them. Even though I work with 25-30 anti-fungal herbs, I find the exact combination that will work best for killing mold – it is generally different for every person. The herbs I’ve found to be very successful in killing mold generally consists of a combination (usually only 2) of Astragalus, Golden thread (Chinese Coptis), and Morinda (Noni). There can be others needed but these are the most common I have seen. While I mention my success with these specific herbs, please understand that herbs are powerful and should only be consumed under the supervision of your qualified health practitioner. Also remember, each person is different and while 2 herbs work for one person, the next mold patient could need 2 totally different herbs.

STRONG RECOMMENDATION: If you have access to a Systems Health Care practitioner like myself (click here to find one close to you), have them assess you for mold toxicity and mold infection. We will be able to find out what is going on, what you need to detox and/or kill the mold infection, and any other obstacles with your health that are impacting things.

Did You Miss Mold Part 1 and Mold Part 2?

In case you missed them, check out Mold Part 1: Do You Have Mold Toxicity? and Mold Part 2: Detoxing Mold Easily.

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