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Do you suffer with an autoimmune condition? Understand what drives immune system dysfunction and how to reverse autoimmunity, naturally!

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Learn about the complexities of chronic pain and how to address it effectively and naturally.

Learn more about mold toxicity, the signs and symptoms of mold toxicity, what to look for, and how to diagnose it!


Suffer with Lyme Disease symptoms? Been diagnosed with Lyme Disease? Learn the key to overcoming Lyme and its co-infections, naturally.

Do you suffer from poor gut health? Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Irritable Bowel Disease? Leaky gut? SIBO? SIFO? Let’s explore the gut stressors you MUST avoid and the keys to having a healthy gut. 

Are you on thyroid medication but still suffer from fatigue, weight gain, and thinning hair? Address Hypothyroidism naturally and effectively.

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Suffering from anxiety? Learn more about the main stressors that cause anxiety and natural ways to treat it (that actually work).

Learn more about detoxing mold, the secret to detoxing mold easily, and what to do if you suspect you need help detoxing mold!

Do you experience jaw pain, clicking, or popping? Learn what causes TMJ dysfunction and how to naturally address it!

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Do you suffer from Hashimoto’s? Learn how to reverse this autoimmune condition and get your thyroid health back on track.

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Sleep is the one time of our day that our body was designed to do NOTHING but heal and recover. For those with serious sleep problems or those just looking to sleep a little deeper, start simple with these sleep tips.

Do you suffer from allergies? Always need an allergy pill to start your day? Learn what causes them and how to get rid of them, naturally.

Do you or your child suffer from ADHD? Learn the true causes behind ADHD and how to address those things, naturally.

Have you suffered a concussion (traumatic brain injury)? Do you still have symptoms? Learn how to heal and recover from concussions – and in record time.

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Are your lab results always “normal” yet you still feel terrible? Understand WHY and the important differences between using pathological vs functional lab ranges.

Learn more about the important understanding between detoxing mold and killing mold, and how to successfully and accurately kill a mold infection in your body. 

Do you suffer from depression? Learn about the 2 main brain hormones behind depression, what common causes them to be low, how to naturally increase them!

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High cholesterol is caused by too many fats, righttt? NOPE! Learn the truth about high cholesterol and address it naturally!

Do your struggle with painful uterine fibroids? Learn the true cause of fibroids (and cysts) and how to shrink them naturally!

Do you take a probiotic supplement? Is this a good idea or could it actually be causing your digestive problems to get worse?

Do you suffer from Multiple Sclerosis? Learn about the true causes of MS and how to reverse this autoimmune condition, naturally.

Do you suffer from migraines? Discover what actually causes migraines and how to address it naturally so they never happen again!

Do you suffer form arthritis? Learn what causes arthritis and how to naturally reverse your aging joints to feel young again!

Does your little one suffer from eczema? Learn the cause of eczema and how to heal your child’s skin quickly!

Do you take a B12, B2, or an Iron supplement? By supplementing with these nutrients, you may actually be making things worse!

Do you take supplements? Ever wonder if they are actually working? Learn more about supplements, quality, and my recommendations!

Do you eat prebiotics? Make sure to grab THESE foods next time you’re at the store to feed your friendly gut microbes!

What Our Patients Say

60 reviews on
Terry Wiebe
Terry Wiebe
January 20, 2024.
A friend told me about Dr. Joel Miller’s practice and how he had helped her. I had a low adrenal problem and with Dr. Miller’s guidance, it is back up. I feel so much better!
January 9, 2024.
Dr Miller was recommended by another provider for my daughter and I also started seeing him. I cannot recommend him enough!
Justin H
Justin H
January 3, 2024.
Dr. Joel is one of the kindest and brilliant practitioners I have ever met. My hand had been numb for 4 months and he was able to fix it like it was no big deal! No one else I had seen was able to even touch it! I would 100% recommend seeing him for anything health related. I’m impressed with his knowledge and the effort he puts into treatments.
Jenny Collins Damon
Jenny Collins Damon
December 15, 2023.
Dr. Joel was great at finding out what was going on with our toddler’s gut health and his intoeing (yes, they were connected!). He was patient with our active son and took his time with him. Thanks for making us feel welcome, even when a 2 year old wants to try to touch everything in the office!
Brittany Kaufman
Brittany Kaufman
December 11, 2023.
Dr. Miller is great! I've been seeing him for about 8 months. He has helped me with gallbladder system issues, balancing hormones, allergies, stress and just overall health. When I didn't understand something he would explain it in a different way that I could comprehend. He really takes the time to listen to you. Highly recommend!
Noah Jay
Noah Jay
November 6, 2023.
Dr. Miller is highly effective at finding the issue and finding the long term solution. I wasn’t able to go to the gym or work for months without having horrible back pain, after one visit I felt such a difference! My job is very active so the fact I can now work without worrying about pain has been a huge relief. I am forever grateful!
Estrella Meléndez Remes
Estrella Meléndez Remes
October 21, 2023.
I arrived at Dr. Joel's office with a lot of pain in my lower back on the right side, it was difficult for me to even walk! The doctor was very kind and treated me with the utmost professionalism and respect! When I left the place I could walk much better, the next day I felt more relieved, thank you very much!
Jessica Alexander
Jessica Alexander
October 4, 2023.
I cannot effectively express my gratitude for Dr. Joel's care and expertise in my and my 8-year-old son's health journeys! I originally began going for chiropractic needs, but my world was open to so much more. After a few appointments, I knew I needed to have my son join to address his allergies. Again, our world was open to so much more beyond allergies! Dr. Joel takes time to work thoroughly, walk his patients through how the body cohesively works as one unit, and he has the intention of identifying root causes. His kindness and encouragement creates a welcoming and safe environment to heal! He made my nervous son feel comfortable and took interest in whatever stuffed animal might have accompanied us. Thank you for, Dr. Joel! Also, Lee thinks you're cool! 😊
Ashly Brundige
Ashly Brundige
September 29, 2023.
Dr Miller is a kind, patient, and understanding doctor. Eagerly educating his patients on their health and promoting wellness inside and out. He personally helped me with hormonal and chronic health issues. I am forever grateful for his support and encouragement.
Keith Skidmore
Keith Skidmore
September 27, 2023.
Dr. Miller has provided me great care by pinpointing my health issues and offering effective solutions. He is a pleasure to work with and cares about his patients