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Stop Your B12, B2, or Iron Supplement | They May Be Bad For You!

Supplements, B12, Irone, B2, NAC (Cysteine)

Do you take a B12, B2, or Iron supplement? 

Vitamin B12 (methyl-cobalamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), and Iron (a very important mineral) are all popular supplement(s) that many people take! According to statistics, between 14-18% of all people take an Iron supplement. But, what most don’t know, is they could actually be contributing to your health problems.

Vitamin B12 (methyl-cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 (methyl-cobalamin) is essential for optimal energy levels, for mood (helps make dopamine and serotonin), for liver function, blood sugar, and so much more. If you are taking a B12 supplement, it’s probably because you experience poor energy, depression or sadness, or you may even experience painful or tingling sensations in your hands or feet (neuropathies).

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also hugely important for energy levels, optimal blood sugar levels, liver function, and so much more. If you are taking a B2 supplement, you probably experience things like low energy or poor liver function. 

Fun Fact: If you take a multivitamin or a B-complex, B2 is the reason your urine turns bright yellow! 


Iron is an essential element most commonly known to help with energy. It is essential for cells as it helps to bind oxygen so our cells can carry throughout our body. If you are taking an iron supplement, you likely have low energy or have even been diagnosed with some type of anemia condition. 

All of these are essential nutrients for our body to have to function optimally. But, they may be making things worse and you might should stop taking them… 

You may be making things worse! 

Feeding Infections

Vitamin B12, vitamin B2, and Iron are a few of the most common nutrients that infections will FEED on. 

Bacterial infections or overgrowths, fungal infections or overgrowths, and parasites all feed on our nutrients and leave behind their toxic metabolic wastes for our body to deal with. 

These infections specifically feed on B12, B2, and Iron. Why do they specifically feed on those and not other vitamins or minerals? Great question — I don’t have a great explanation for you there, but rest assured the ones mentioned here are the only ones you need to worry about. 

But it is important to know, and sheds light on a really interesting phenomenon: if you have low B12, low B2, or low Iron, in my experience, it is almost 95% guaranteed it’s because of a sub-clinical infection. 

These infections (bacterial, fungal, or parasitic) are most often in the gut (stomach, small intestine, or large intestine). 

A Quick Note: Infections can also feed on any supplements containing cysteine as well as things like the very toxic natural or artificial flavors or colors. Avoid natural or artificial flavors and colors as much as possible! 

The Problem

If you are experiencing any of these things, taking a B12, B2, Iron, or cysteine supplement will ultimately make things worse!!

If you are deficient in one of these nutrients and you do take a supplement for it, you WILL feel better immediately simply because you are so deficient in it. 

However, as soon as you start taking that supplement, you are feeding those infections and allowing them to grow! 

Look Upstream

The true solution to this problem is to address and kill the infections! 

By killing the infections, you will now better absorb B12, B2, and Iron from your food AND it won’t be eaten away. 

To kill infections, I never recommend antibiotics. They are harsh on the immune system and will destroy your gut health. They also rarely work. 

Instead, you need to find the right herbal that is going to help your body and immune system to kill the infection(s). 

In our office, we check for these deficiencies, the presence of infections, and what is needed to help the body kill any infections. We do it all through a profound and advanced technique called Systems Health Care. 

By killing the infections, your body will be able to better absorb, use, and utilize the nutrients in your food. Then you won’t need to take any supplements and your health problems related to the deficiencies will all resolve. 

Dig deeper into overall gut health here.

Always needing B12, B2, or Iron to functional properly?

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