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How to Heal Your Eczema (Part 1)

Eczema & Other Skin Conditions

Eczema, also known as Atopic Dermatitis is a common condition affecting kids — even newborns. If you look up online the cause of eczema, you may notice how difficult it is to find any real answers. Most doctors or sources online don’t know the causes or how to really heal from it.

Some doctors blame skin conditions on the skin itself and recommend special lotions, avoiding chemicals, etc. The problem is, common solutions for eczema (like lotions, etc.) do not actually fix the root causes underlying skin conditions like Eczema.

The truth is… Eczema and most all other skin conditions DO in fact have a specific cause. And today, I’m going to share that specific cause with you and how to address it naturally.

Eczema Signs & Symptoms

  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Thickened skin
  • Skin rash that varies in color depending on your skin color.
  • Oozing or crusting

The Cause of Eczema: Leaky Gut

ALL problems with the skin, come from within — Eczema and skin conditions included.

Our internal health is what causes skin conditions, not the skin itself. The main part of our internal health responsible for eczema and most all other skin conditions is our GUT health.

Leaky gut is a term that simply means our gut lining and overall gut health has become damaged and inflamed. It is not a super specific definition but here is what you need to know: parasites and inflammation are the 2 main causes of leaky gut. Let’s discuss them both.


Parasites are by far the #1 cause of eczema. What? Parasites? YES, parasites. Parasites can come from water, uncooked meat, pork, and even fruits. We are exposed to them all the time but that doesn’t mean they automatically infect us.

It is the job of our immune system and stomach acid to kill any parasites that enter into the body. When stress, poor digestion, or inflammation allows the parasites to get by, they can cause a lot of damage. Gut infections in general (parasites, fungus, bacteria, viruses) cause inflammation, eat our nutrients (causing nutrient deficiencies), and leave behind their metabolic wastes (causing toxicities).

Parasites and fungus are the most common infections to cause skin problems but bacterial and viral infections can from time to time as well.

SOLUTION: Killing parasites is super easy with the right herbals. Astragalus, Black walnut and Artemisia (wormwood) are powerful anti-parasitic herbals. In our clinic, we check 5-10 different anti-parasitic herbals to find the exact one that is going to kill the parasites. While these herbals are powerful, not every anti-parasitic herbal will kill every parasite. That is why we use System’s Health Care, an advanced and profound technique, to figure out what infections are present and the specific herbals needed to kill them. Using this approach, the parasites die within 1-2 weeks and the gut and skin can begin to heal.


In addition to parasites, inflammation is a huge component as well. Inflammation generally comes from the foods we eat and the environment we are exposed to. Gluten, processed dairy, sugar, artificial flavors/colors, preservatives, and really all processed foods can cause inflammation. Medications can also do a lot of harm on the gut and detoxification pathways. Things like radiation (EMFs from phones, wifi, cell towers, etc.) cause inflammation as well.

SOLUTION: Consider having your child go gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free for 2 weeks. Watch if this allows the skin to heal. If not, consider any other foods that your child is continually getting that is processed, artificial, or unnatural in any way. Once you figure out what foods those are, avoid those for 2 weeks and only focus on natural foods. As a general tip, if God made it, we should eat it. If man made it, we should avoid it. If you try all of these things and the skin problem persists, there are other problems present – like parasite infections or poor detoxification.

Does your child suffer from Eczema or another skin condition?

At Freedom Health and Wellness, we address all of these things and more through a personalized and functional approach. We help people with chronic diseases and illnesses regain their health by getting to the source of their health concerns.

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