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Multiple Sclerosis | The Key To Reversing MS and Healing Naturally

Multiple sclerosis is caused by an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the myelin surrounding the nerves. This causes damage to the nerves.

What Is Multiple Sclerosis? 

Multiple sclerosis, also common referred to as MS, is an autoimmune condition that occurs when your immune system attacks the myelin sheaths that surround our nerves. 

Myelin is an essential component to nerve functioning as it is largely responsible for sending signals and impulses faster than the speed of light. 

Without myelin sheaths, our nerves and nervous system just doesn’t function the same. 

If you are here, it is likely that you or a close loved one is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Each person with MS experiences something slightly different than the next person with MS. But what they all have in common is problems related to their nerves, nervous system, muscle functioning, and sometimes brain functioning. 

Multiple Sclerosis Signs & Symptoms

  • Numbness & tingling
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Pain
  • Vision problems
  • Muscle spasms or stiffness
  • Weakness
Multiple sclerosis is caused by an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the myelin surrounding the nerves. This causes damage to the neurons.
Diagram showing multiple sclerosis concept illustration

The Cause of MS

If you talk to your doctor or research the cause of multiple sclerosis, you will likely find that most people do not know.

It is important to note that there is no ONE cause for Multiple Sclerosis. MS is an autoimmune condition which means your immune system is imbalanced, uncontrolled, and attacking your own tissues. 

So the real question is… what is causing your immune system to attack its own tissues???? 

The Causes of Autoimmunity

Autoimmunity can be caused by a number of things but here are the most common: 

  • Infections (parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral)
  • Heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, etc.) 
  • Medications
  • Inflammation
  • Emotional stress 

Any of these things can cause your immune system to become imbalanced, uncontrolled, and unfortunately start attacking your own tissues. 

Side Note: often times people that have one autoimmune condition, will develop other autoimmune conditions down the road. Common autoimmune conditions includes Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis, and Crohn’s disease. This list is not exhaustive — for the full article on Autoimmune conditions and how to reverse them, check out this article here. 

Healing From Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

As every patient is different, it’s important to remember that not every treatment or protocol will work the same for every person. 

The most effective and successful approach to reversing and healing from multiple sclerosis is going to require a personalized approach. 

You have to identify if the things driving your autoimmunity are parasites, fungus, heavy metals, medications, emotional traumas, or heavy metals. Then, obviously, you have to address them. 


Infections are very common in people, even in a very advanced country like America. These most often occur due to a weak immune system or poor gut health. 

Heavy Metals

Heavy metal toxicities are also very common. The main sources I see of people’s heavy metal toxicities comes from vaccines, amalgam (silver) tooth fillings, make-up products, and poor water filters (that leak metals from the filter into the water). 

Medications, Emotional Traumas, Inflammation

All of these can cause great stress to the immune system and cause it to become imbalanced. Medications cause a lot of stress to the immune system and gut health but you won’t ever hear that from your common medical physician—most simply don’t know. 

Emotional traumas can be hugely powerful to shut down your health, shut down your immune system, or shut down your gut health — in a matter of minutes. 

Inflammation can come from a large number of places – whether it’s from infections, toxicities, nutrient deficiencies, or a combination of them all. Inflammation can also come from high stress hormones. All of these can cause imbalances in the immune system and ultimately result in autoimmune conditions, like Multiple Sclerosis. 

Rejuvenating Your Nerves’ Myelin Sheath

So now that you have your immune system back under control, it is important to get your nutrition right so your body has the best chance of healing/restoring the myelin sheath around your nerves. The myelin sheath is primarily made up of very important fats: Arachidonic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Increase your intake of Arachidonic Acid primarily through adequate intake of grass-fed butter. Increase your DHA intake through foods like pasture-raised eggs, algae, or a good fish oil (check out my supplement recommendations page here for a great fish oil).

So What Now? 

Now that you understand that the cause of multiple sclerosis is due to the autoimmunity, and you know what drives autoimmunity, you have to narrow down the drivers and address them

Advanced Testing 

There are many advanced functional tests that can be ran to seek out this information including functional stool tests, heavy metal tests, functional blood work, and much more. 

The Best Approach

In our office, however, we don’t need to do the expensive advanced tests. Instead, we use a profound and advanced technique called Systems Health Care. With this technique we are able to understand exactly what is driving your autoimmunity AND the exact nutrients or lifestyle changes you need to address them. 

By addressing the root causes of autoimmunity, you will rebalance the immune system, reverse the autoimmune condition, and begin to truly heal. 

Suffering From MS?

At Freedom Health and Wellness, we address all of these things and more through a personalized and functional approach. We help people with chronic diseases and illnesses regain their health by getting to the source of their health concerns.

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Dr. Miller offers a free zero-risk 15-minute consult to connect, address any questions or concerns you have, or discuss what care may look like! Just click the button below to schedule your free consult and Dr. Miller will look forward to talking with you!

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