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Seizures | How To Stop Them For Good

MRI for Seizures

Do You or Your Child Experience Seizures?

Seizures can be one of the most scary and frightening things you or your child may ever experience. If you have ever witnessed one, as I have, you know how petrifying they can be.

Seizures are neurological events that occur when the neurons in the brain fire uncontrollably. When someone experiences multiple seizures they are diagnosed with “Epilepsy.”

Common Recommended Solutions

Medications are the primary recommended solution for seizures. The problem is, (1) they don’t actually fix the underlying issues occurring, they just address the symptoms. This means as long as you have those symptoms, you will always need that medication. The better approach, as I’ll show you, is to address the underlying causes which will allow the body to heal and you will never have seizures or need medications for them again.

And (2) they cause a lot of stress on other very important parts of our health, such as our gut health and immune system health. This can cause a lot of problems acutely and months-years down the road.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Stiffening of the body
  • Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Temporary confusion
  • Staring
  • Poor awareness
  • Breathing problems or stopping breathing
  • Emotional symptoms (such as fear or anxiety)

Causes of Seizures

It is important to note that there are many different potential causes of seizures and some are a bit more complex than others. Listed below are the most common causes.

  • Nutrient deficiency resulting in GABA deficiency (read more below)
  • Concussions
  • Brain injury
  • Brain infection
  • Brain inflammation
  • Brain toxicity from drugs or other toxins

While each of these causes will need a specific approach, they all have one major thing in common: a GABA deficiency.

Increase GABA

What Is GABA?

GABA (Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. What that means is it is the one hormone most in charge of controlling the neurons in your brain and making sure they don’t get out of control. They are the main neurotransmitter responsible for reducing brain activity – that is why optimal GABA levels are so important for people with anxiety.

GABA is made from glutamic acid which is a wickedly excitatory chemical in the brain — it causes A LOT of stimulation. When the necessary nutrients to turn glutamic acid into GABA are deficient, anxiety, panic attacks, and seizures can ensue.

Why Is GABA Deficient?

GABA can become deficient when the important cofactor nutrients are deficient. If you don’t have the right cofactor nutrients, your brain cannot turn glutamic acid into GABA.

So what can cause nutrient deficiencies? Well, a lot of things can but the most common are infections and toxicities. Infections (parasites, fungus, and bacteria mainly) eat our nutrients and leave behind their wastes which can create toxicities. Toxicities can come from the wastes left over by infections, like ammonia from parasites or aldehydes from fungus, but just as common is heavy metal toxicities.

In the long game, killing infections and detoxing toxicities is going to be essential for never having seizures again. However, to significantly reduce seizures as quickly as possible, you need to increase GABA.

HOW TO Increase GABA

Increasing GABA to reduce seizures, anxiety, and panic attacks is really quite simple and easy. NO, a medication is not what your brain needs to function properly. Rather, your brain and nervous system needs GABA and the right cofactor nutrients to make GABA.

When I am working with patients that suffer from seizures, anxiety, or panic attacks, I usually recommend GABA + one or two of the cofactor nutrients. This is the most effective and quickest approach to addressing seizures. You can find my FAVORITE protocol for seizures / panic attacks / anxiety HERE.

There are upwards of 10 cofactor nutrients needed to make GABA but by far the most common include B6 (P5P), magnesium, and zinc.

If you decide to try one of these nutrients, make sure you get a good quality brand so it will actually work. So many people today spend $100’s on supplements just to discover they’re poor quality and don’t work – or even worse, they’re bad for you. I made a list of my supplement brands recommendations here.

How To Stop The Seizures For Good

They key to stopping seizures for good has to do with getting to the bottom of why there is a GABA deficiency in the first place. Nutrient deficiencies are the main reason – but is there a reason for the nutrient deficiencies? Are the nutrient deficiencies simply due to poor nutrition? If so, we need to focus on making sure you are eating the right quality foods in order to get these nutrients naturally. Are the nutrient deficiencies due to infections or other toxicities? If so we have to kill the infections and support your body’s detoxification pathways.

Suffering from Seizures or Epilepsy?

At Freedom Health and Wellness, we address all of these things and more through a personalized and functional approach. We help people with chronic diseases and illnesses regain their health by getting to the source of their health concerns.

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